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I'm happy to work in the broader field of human well-being and life-long learning and development, combining psychotherapy practice and philosophical practice. Check out the CV to get an image about what has been important to my professional path, what I have published and which training institutions I have collaborated with, because I admired their principles, their love for reason, they compassion for humans known to be suffering and known to be able to face life with its tough and tranquil periods. I am currently a doctoral candidate at the West University of Timisoara, the Doctoral School of Sociology and Philosophy, exploring askesis - philosophical practices for critical thinking.

For further details and appointments, please use the contact form on the right side of this page. Since I am usually in a class or a consultation I might not answer immediately, but I will respond in 24 hours or less. I am happy to get to know you.


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Access my social media pages and stay in touch with news and posts. Click HERE for Facebook. Posts are meant to provide stimuli for reflection about mental and relational health: videos, articles, reviews, poems and more. Click HERE for Instagram.

              My blogging activity:

Musings of Anca Tiurean

Coincidentia Oppositorum Band

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