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     My training in philosophical practices started in 2016 with the Master of Philosophical Counseling and Consultancy at the West University of Timisoara and continued with weekly exercise, workshops and supervised work with groups and individuals at the Paris Institute of Philosophical Practices.

    I am a certified philosophical counselor currently using this set of competencies within my private practice of individual and family psychotherapy. These practices are an excellent tool for strengthening our evidence-based capacities to think, to contain, understand and change our attitudes or views and to emotionally self-regulate.

Soothing Bell

For further details and appointments, please use the contact form on the right side of this page. Since I am usually in a class or a consultation I might not answer immediately, but I will respond in 24 hours or less. I am happy to get to know you.


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              My blogging activity:

Musings of Anca Tiurean

Coincidentia Oppositorum Band

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