An art of contact
So many things of this wide world attract us and distract us still. We talk of them, of what we feel. We then go back to gain some more. The after's better than before. Then darker days, then brighter ones – enjoy or not, the time still runs. And then we might forget to see that there's a you and there's a me. We'll join in feeding our fights to stay connected on cold nights. From time to time we'll realize there's longing in each other's eyes. I hope you'll sit with me and say what you have seen with them today -- what did your soul and mind palpate, what is it that you love or hate. And time, I hope, will show we care to work together anywhere.
Research yourself, your values, your philosophical views, your implicit beliefs and concepts, your reasoning skills and your capacity to question your own ideas and others'. Gain ability to process information, learn to master critical thinking and develop a collaborative reflective encounters.
Get together with your family to create a reflective space where each of you receives understanding and support from all of you. Family roles are not about what to do, but about what we mean to each other. Develop respectful dialogues and safe, constructive, joyful conflicts.
My educational approach to mental health is all about paying attention together to the contents, the social and the psychological level of each thematic conversation: what we learn, how we learn and who we are as learners - are of equal importance in transformational learning.